Using Room Menu and Settings

Table of Contents

Room Menu Overview

Who can use this feature?

Only Room Managers or those with an Executive role can fully access Room Menus and Settings.

The Room Menu is your main hub for any room preferences, after Creating a Room. As a Room Manager or Agency Executive Role, you have access to the following options:

Every user (regardless of agency role) can view the following options:

  • Disable Room Notifications
    • This allows an individual user to mute their notifications for this specific room.
    • Simply click or tap the option to disable your room notifications.
  • Leave Room
    • Simply click or tap the option to leave the room. You can join a room again if the room is public.
    • Public or private rooms in your agency allow all users to leave a room anytime they need to. This includes any Room Guests.
      • Agency Executive and Management roles will still need to remove the user from their list of users in Manage Users, if you want to remove them from the agency. 
      • Please note, Guests do not have access to any other agency specific settings or rooms, even if they leave a room.
Desktop View of Room Menu
Mobile View of Room Menu

Why can't I see Room Menu options as a Management Role?

If you are not a Room Manager, even as a Management Role, you will not have permission to see all Room Menu options and settings. You will need to add yourself to a room as a Room Manager. Click Here to learn more!

Room Settings Overview

The room settings give Room Managers and Agency Executives the ability to set the tone for the room. Room Managers and Executive Roles can do the following:

  • Edit the room Name & Description
  • Make the room Private
  • Set the room to Read Only
  • Make it an Agency-Wide (broadcast) Room
  • Make it an Incident Command Room
  • Turn on Detect/Disable Screenshots (mobile devices only)
  • Archive the Room

Click and view the images below to preview your Room Settings menu:

Manage your Room Settings

Create or Edit a Room Name & Description

The room name appears in each member’s list of active rooms and the room name and description appear in the room header. Only managers of the room and Executives can change them.

Make a Room "Private"

In some cases, special assignment or task rooms require a certain level of privacy. Making a room private allows Room Managers and Agency Executives to determine who sees what. Allowing for a more secure and compliant exchange of intelligence.

Make a Room "Read Only"

Making a room private allows Room Managers and Agency Executives only to post messages or media within a room conversation. Preventing too much chatter or activity in a room that may require minimal updates.

Make a Room "Agency-Wide"

In some cases, an existing room needs to be shared with an entire agency. Making a Room Agency-Wide accomplishes this goal…

Turn On "Detect/Disable Screenshots"

Using this option, Room Managers can mitigate sensitive information within a room being shared outside the mobile app. 

Some things to note:

  • on Android OS mobile devices, users are prohibited from taking screenshots when restrictions are enabled.
  • on iOS mobile devices, Apple does not allow app developers to restrict screenshots, but instead allows notifications when screenshots are taken. 

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