Invite People to DM

Table of Contents

How to send a Direct Message invite

Direct messages (DMs) are one-to-one conversations between you and another person. You can DM with people within your agency and also those outside your agency. Group direct messages (group DMs) are smaller discussions, outside of rooms, between you and up to twenty-five other people. DMs work well for one-off conversations that don’t need to involve an entire room.

You invite people to Direct Message in three ways:

  1. Start a conversation with a Direct invite
    • using an email
    • using a phone number
    • using your “address book” contacts (mobile only)
  2. Start a conversation with users in your Evertel agency
    • search and select available contacts
  3. Start a conversation with users in other Evertel agencies
    • search an agency
    • then search available users
Warning, Tip, Notice, or Information.

Users invited to Direct Message DO NOT become members of your agency or occupy any agency seats.

Start a Conversation with a Direct Invite

Start a Conversation with users in your Evertel agency

Start a conversation with users in other Evertel agencies

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